World Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023, 14(3): 250-252 doi: 10.5847/wjem.j.1920-8642.2023.038

Case Letters

Twelve family members with tetramine poisoning after consumption of vegetables grown in polluted soils

Yan-qing Liu, Xiao-xia Lu, Chun-yan Wang, Ming-fei Peng, Xiao-bo Peng, Yun Jiang, Le-xin Zheng, Dan-dan Yuan, Xi-gang Zhang,, Ze-wu Qiu,

Poisoning Treatment Department, Senior Department of Hepatology, the Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100071, China

Corresponding authors: Xi-gang Zhang,;Ze-wu Qiu,

Received: 2022-08-6  

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Yan-qing Liu, Xiao-xia Lu, Chun-yan Wang, Ming-fei Peng, Xiao-bo Peng, Yun Jiang, Le-xin Zheng, Dan-dan Yuan, Xi-gang Zhang, Ze-wu Qiu. Twelve family members with tetramine poisoning after consumption of vegetables grown in polluted soils. World Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023, 14(3): 250-252 doi:10.5847/wjem.j.1920-8642.2023.038

The main toxic component of tetramine is tetramethylenedisulfotetramine (TETS). It is a sulfonamide derivative without special antidote, tasteless and tasteless, with high toxicity and high mortality.[1]It was first discovered by a German scientist Hagen in 1949. Although its use has been banned worldwide due to its high toxicity and mortality rate, it is still available in certain countries and has led to cases of intentional and unintentional poisoning. Tetramine blocks γ-neurons, leading to dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and other symptoms.[2-4]Due to the lack of recognized effective antidotes, many poisoned people suffocate and die as a result of continuous spasms of the respiratory muscles.[5-7] Tetramine poisoning sometimes occurs, but it is rare for vegetables grown in tetramine-contaminated soil to cause group poisoning after being eaten.


The patient, a 57-year-old male, had grown vegetables in a 10-year-old abandoned granary near his home in March 2018, which included fennel, lettuce, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, romaine lettuce, leeks, shallots, Chinese cabbage, and other vegetables. A total of 12 patients were found to have varying degrees of dizziness, nausea, sweating, fatigue, involuntary tremor of the limbs, and even convulsions and coma after eating vegetables (Table 1).

Table 1.   Symptom onset time and type of vegetables eaten by the 12 patients and symptoms experienced afterward

TimePatientsVegetablesClinical symptoms
June 10, 2018A, B, CFennelDizziness, nausea, sweating, and fatigue
June 10, 2018D, E, FFennelDizziness and nausea
June 11, 2018G, HFennelDizziness and nausea
June 14, 2018DLettuce (raw)Coma, convulsions (7-8 min), involuntary limb tremor
June 15, 2018F, ILettuce (boiled)Dizziness and nausea
June 17, 2018ALettuce (raw)Coma, convulsions (5 min), involuntary limb tremor
June 29, 2018J, K, LCrowndaisy chrysanthemumDizziness, nausea, limb convulsions, coma (3-5 min)

From June 10 to 29, 2018, the patient, a 57-year-old male (A), his wife (B), son (C), daughter (D), son-in-law (E), granddaughter 1 (F), daughter-in-law (G), granddaughter 2 (H), son-in-law’s mother (I), brother (J), sister-in-law (K), and niece (L), had different degrees of digestive and nervous system symptoms after eating the planted vegetables.

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On June 30, 2018, all 12 patients were transferred to our department. Patients A, D, J, K, and L had convulsive symptoms one after another, and familial epilepsy was excluded. Clinical manifestations are shown in Table 1. Laboratory findings were normal, including routine blood, urine, and stool, liver and kidney function, blood glucose, blood lipid, coagulation function, immune combination, electrocardiogram (ECG), chest and abdomen computed tomography (CT), and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, creatine kinase increased to 567 U/L (normal <167 U/L) in the five patients with convulsions. Considering this evidence, diseases such as nervous system infection, cerebrovascular disease, psychosis, or metabolic disorders were excluded. During treatment, phenobarbital sodium was given to control body convulsions, rabeprazole sodium to protect the stomach, cerebroside and carnosine to nourish nerves, compound glycyrrhizicn to protect the liver, and creatine phosphate to nourish the myocardium. Different family members developed the disease successively. All the patients had eaten vegetables grown in the same field, and their clinical manifestations were similar. The degree of severity is related to the number of vegetables eaten. Those who had eaten a large quantity of vegetables had more serious symptoms. We considered that the patient’s symptoms were associated with eating these vegetables. The family members said that the seeds of vegetables as well as the vegetables had not been sprayed with pesticides. This does not rule out the possibility of rat poison stored in the location before the patient planted vegetables. In conclusion, there may be a strong possibility of convulsive rodenticide poisoning.

On July 1, 2018, a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS) (API-3200, ABI, USA) was used for poison detection. Three patients (A, D, and F) ate two kinds of vegetables twice. The concentrations of TETS in venous blood were: patient A 988 ng/mL, patient D 820 ng/mL, and patient F (less food intake) 265 ng/mL. Patient I ate a few boiled lettuce heads, and the test was taken 15 d later; TETS was not detected in the venous blood. Other patients ate one vegetable once, and the TETS concentration in venous blood was 110-602 ng/mL. Although TETS was still detectable in the blood when the patients came to our hospital, the symptoms of 10 patients were relieved, and only two patients had involuntary tremor of both upper limbs. Treatment was given to control limb tremor, nourish nerves, replenish body fluids, and promote the discharge of poisons. All twelve patients were cured after 3-15 d of hospitalization. The patients were followed up for 3 months after discharge, and all of them returned to normal.


To clearly determine the source of TETS, the poison detection center of our hospital examined fennel, lettuce, crowndaisy chrysanthemum, romaine lettuce, leek, shallot, Chinese cabbage, and soil. TETS was detected in the soil and all vegetables.

To determine the reason for convulsion in patients who ate lettuce and crowndaisy chrysanthemum, several vegetables grown in the soil were selected and made into vegetable juice. After the approval of the hospital ethics committee, the animal toxicity experiment was carried out by gavage in Wistar rats (body weight 200 g). On the first day, we took unwashed lettuce, leek, and shallot samples (7.4 g per vegetable; leaves, stems, and roots accounting for 1/3 each by mass). After grinding and mixing with 20 mL of water, 1 mL per 100 g body weight of the mixture was gavaged. There were two rats in each group. After 5-6 min of gavage, the rats in the lettuce group began to have convulsions, which lasted for 0.3-2.0 min and then relieved automatically, after which convulsions resumed intermittently. One rat died of continuous convulsions after 45 min, and the other one died of intermittent convulsions after 16 h. The rats in the leek group and the shallot group survived without convulsions. On the second day, we repeated the experiment. We took unwashed vegetables (lettuce, leek, shallot, romaine lettuce), washed vegetables (lettuce, leek, shallot, romaine lettuce), and soil in the planting area (20 g) as samples. After grinding and mixing with 20 mL of water, 1 mL per 100 g body weight of the mixture was gavaged. The rats in the unwashed and washed lettuce groups had convulsions and eventually died. The rats in the other groups survived. In the animal toxicity test, only the rats in the lettuce group had convulsive symptoms, which had nothing to do with whether the vegetables had been washed or not. There were no convulsive symptoms in rats fed with leek, shallot, romaine lettuce, or soil in the planting area, which indicated that the TETS content in soil was not too high, and the ability of different vegetables to enrich TETS was different.

The local authorities ruled out the possibility of patients being poisoned by others and further tested items in the patient’s home, such as flour, water in the drinking dispenser, and water in the bathtub. No TETS was detected. In the periphery of this land, no TETS was detected in vegetables or soil. TETS was detected only in vegetables and soil planted by patients. The patients had never purchased tetramine, and there was no factory producing tetramine near their home. By asking the former staff of the grain depot, the patients learned that rat poison had been stored in the place where the patients planted vegetables. It was found that tetramine used by the grain depot to eliminate mice 10 years ago polluted the soil. The patients planted vegetables on the polluted soil, and the vegetables became enriched with tetramine, resulting in tetramine poisoning after human consumption. After the incident, the local government sealed the abandoned grain depot and buried the incident site.


Tetramine is stable in nature and is not readily decomposable in the environment. Tetramine poisoning should be considered for cases of unexplained coma with convulsions. Daily necessities contaminated by tetramine should be destroyed promptly, and the contaminated soil should be buried deeply to prevent secondary poisoning.

Funding: This study was supported by a grant from the National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFC16063000).

Ethical approval: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China. Informed written consent was obtained from the patients.

Contributors: YQL and XXL contributed equally to this work. YQL and XXL proposed and wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final version.

Conflicts of interest: None.


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Severe poisoning in a upholstered furniture factory by a novel highly toxic toxin (tetramethylendisulfotetramin)

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Moffett MC, Rauscher NA, Rice NC, Myers TM.

Survey of drug therapies against acute oral tetramethylenedisulfotetramine poisoning in a rat voluntary consumption model

Neuro Toxicology. 2019; 74:264-71.

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Rice NC, Rauscher NA, Langston JL, Myers TM.

Behavioral intoxication following voluntary oral ingestion of tetramethylenedisulfotetramine: dose-dependent onset, severity, survival, and recovery

Neurotoxicology. 2017; 63:21-32.

DOI:S0161-813X(17)30170-5      PMID:28855111     

Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine (tetramine, or TETS) is a highly toxic rodenticide that has been responsible for over 14,000 accidental and intentional poisonings worldwide. Although the vast majority of TETS poisonings involved tainted food or drink, the laboratory in vivo studies of TETS intoxication used intraperitoneal injection or gavage for TETS exposure. Seeking to develop and characterize a more realistic model of TETS intoxication in the present study, rats were trained to rapidly and voluntarily consume a poisoned food morsel. Initially, the overt toxic effects of TETS consumption across a large range of doses were characterized, then a focused range of doses was selected for more intensive behavioral evaluation (in operant test chambers providing a variable-interval schedule of food reinforcement). The onset of intoxication following voluntary oral consumption of TETS was rapid, and clear dose-dependent response-rate suppression was observed across multiple performance measures within the operant-chamber environment. At most doses, recovery of operant performance did not occur within 30h. Food consumption and body weight changes were also dose dependent and corroborated the behavioral measures of intoxication. This voluntary oral-poisoning method with concomitant operant-behavioral assessment shows promise for future studies of TETS (and other toxic chemicals of interest) and may be extremely valuable in characterizing treatment outcomes.Published by Elsevier B.V.

Lauková M, Velíšková J, Velíšek L, Shakarjian MP.

Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine neurotoxicity: what have we learned in the past 70 years?

Neurobiol Dis. 2020; 133:104491.

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Patocka J, Franca TCC, Wu QH, Kuca K.

Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine: a health risk compound and a potential chemical warfare agent

Toxics. 2018; 6(3):51.

DOI:10.3390/toxics6030051      URL     [Cited within: 1]

Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine (TETS, tetramine) is a toxic organic compound that is used as an effective rodenticide. However, this neurotoxin is not only toxic to rodents, it also causes poisoning in humans. Due to its high level of toxicity for humans, the use of TETS as a rodenticide has been banned and its production has been discontinued. Despite this, human poisoning by this substance is unfortunately still very common. The largest number of poisonings are reported in China, but in the United States, dozens of poisonings still happen annually. TETS is one of the most hazardous pesticides and also a possible chemical warfare agent with no known antidote. In this article, we aim to summarize the biochemical and toxicological data of TETS and hope to cast some light on the toxicological risk to human health.

Croddy E.

Rat poison and food security in the People’s Republic of China: focus on tetramethylene disulfotetramine (tetramine)

Arch Toxicol. 2004; 78(1):1-6.


The last several years have seen a large number of mass poisonings in mainland China, particularly those caused by illicit rodenticides. One rat poison, tetramine (tetramethylene disulfotetramine) is responsible for a great percentage of death and injury in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Tetramine is an acutely toxic substance with human oral toxicity estimated as low as 0.1 mg/kg, and is widely available in open markets in mainland China--this despite being prohibited for manufacture or sale in the PRC. Being a GABA antagonist, and having an extremely potent effect on the brain stem, many victims can quickly fall into convulsions and die within hours following ingestion. With no known effective antidote at this time, clinical data from the PRC show that acute cases of tetramine poisoning are extremely difficult to treat. The widespread use of tetramine--including its reported sale at a Malaysian outdoor market in September 2002--could exacerbate its hazard to public health, particularly in those areas having large overseas Chinese populations.

Zhang Y, Su M, Tian DP.

Tetramine poisoning: a case report and review of the literature

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