Evaluation of disease burden and symptom scores in patients with acute atrial fibrillation in the emergency department
Nikola Schütz, Dominik Roth, Michael Prinz, Filippo Cacioppo, Sebastian Schnaubelt, Alexander O. Spiel, Hans Domanovits, Harald Herkner
Table 1. Description of the three applied atrial fibrillation disease severity scores
Instrument Abbreviations Overview Scoring
University of Toronto - Atrial Fibrillation Severity Scale[8,9] AFSS 19 item score; questions about frequency, duration and severity of AF episodes and symptoms Likert scale, Symptom score 0-35, Burden score 3-30
Atrial Fibrillation Symptom and Burden[10] AFS-B AFS for symptoms (8 questions), AFB for disease burden (6 questions) Modified Likert scale; Symptom score 0-40; Burden score 0-25
Quality of Life in Atrial Fibrillation[11] QLAF 22 questions in 7 domains; covers main clinical symptoms Higher score = lower quality of life