The relationship between physical activity in early pregnancy and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a cohort study in Chinese women
Qian Lu, Shi-jiao Yan, Huan-jun Chen, Xiong-fei Pan, Yi-xiang Ye, Xing-yue Song, Ri-xing Wang, Chuan-zhu Lyu
Table 2. Energy expenditure from PA during early pregnancy in women with GH and PE, MET-h/week
PA Total (n=6,820) GH (n=126) P-value a PE (n=52) P-value b
Total PA 120.6 (73.7-174.7) 118.0 (60.4-174.5) 0.378 123.5 (75.9-183.9) 0.503
By intensities
Sedentary 35.0 (17.5-80.2) 35.4 (20.1-79.9) 0.725 42.4 (21.3-85.8) 0.240
Light 39.2 (21.2-66.7) 38.3 (22.6-71.7) 0.944 40.5 (21.8-75.7) 0.738
MVPA 23.5 (10.1-46.8) 17.3 (9.0-41.2) 0.046 21.8 (7.5-49.5) 0.608
By types
Household/caregiving 27.8 (12.1-56.4) 29.1 (12.4-56.7) 0.914 27.2 (9.3-57.7) 0.711
Occupational 0.0 (0.0-71.1) 0.0 (0.0-72.5) 0.771 0.0 (0.0-72.1) 0.768
Sports/exercise 4.1 (0.8-9.6) 4.1 (1.6-9.6) 0.603 3.2 (0.8-9.6) 0.626
Transportation 14.0 (7.0-26.3) 14.0 (4.4-26.3) 0.359 15.8 (7.9-28.4) 0.543