Effects of early standardized enteral nutrition on preventing acute muscle loss in the acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with mechanical ventilation
Yue Li, Yong-peng Xie, Xiao-min Li, Tao Lu
Table 1. Comparison of the baseline data and mechanical ventilation variables between the two groups
Indicators Conventional EN group (n=46) Early standardized EN group (n=51) t/χ2 P-value
Baseline characteristics
Age, years 65.49±9.28 64.32±10.23 0.587 0.558
Male/total 28/46 33/51 0.391 0.696
Weight, kg 61.22±10.41 62.87±9.68 0.809 0.431
Body mass index, kg/m2 24.32±3.32 25.13±3.74 1.123 0.264
Glasgow Coma Scale 13.54±1.33 13.32±1.56 0.743 0.459
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment 8.95±3.56 8.79±3.73 0.216 0.830
APACHE II 15.75±3.43 16.94±4.23 1.512 0.134
PaO2, mmHg 108.24±24.32 103.54±21.53 1.010 0.315
PaCO2, mmHg 83.32±14.27 85.42±15.38 0.695 0.488
Smoking history 23/46 21/51 0.872 0.383
Coronary artery disease 8/46 7/51 0.499 0.618
Diabetes mellitus 6/46 7/51 0.098 0.922
Hypertension 10/46 8/51 0.766 0.444
Liver cirrhosis 3/46 2/51 0.578 0.563
Mechanical ventilation
Tidal volume, mL/kg 7.54±2.34 7.32±2.29 0.468 0.641
PEEP, cmH2O 6.15±2.32 6.32±1.92 0.395 0.694
Driving pressure, cmH2O 13.12±3.19 13.23±3.31 0.166 0.868
Plateau pressure, cmH2O 24.63±3.23 24.35±3.76 0.391 0.696
Static lung compliance, mL/cmH2O 46.23±12.27 45.39±15.31 0.296 0.768
Dynamic lung compliance, mL/cmH2O 37.23±5.29 38.36±4.43 1.144 0.255
FiO2 0.45±0.12 0.43±0.14 0.751 0.454