Shrinking lung syndrome in autoimmune inflammatory diseases: A case series and review of literature
Xiao-chan Chen, Shan He, Jing Xue
Table 1. Main clinical characteristics of the three patients in this study
Variables Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Age, years 26 53 68
Sex Female Female Female
Primary disease SLE SLE AOSD
Duration of the primary disease, years 12.0 2.0 0.4
Treatment before the diagnosis of SLS Prednisone, HCQ, TAC Prednisone, HCQ Prednisone
Presenting features of SLS Dyspnea, cough Dyspnea, chest pain Dyspnea
Other clinical manifestations Mucocutaneous, arthritis, fever, nephritis Mucocutaneous, arthritis, nephritis, cardiac valvular dysfunction Fever, mucocutaneous
Autoantibodies ANA, Smith, RNP, SSA, Ro-52, SSB, ARPA ANA, dsDNA, SSA, Ro-52, SSB, None
Chest CT Aatelectasis, diaphragm elevation, pleural effusion, pleural thickening Aatelectasis, pleural effusion Atelectasis, diaphragm elevation
SLEDAI 10 20 /
Pulmonary function test
Forced vital capacity, % 62.5 59.1 72.4
Total lung capacity, % 69.9 72.2 66.9
FEV1, % 67.3 65.0 74.8
DLCO, % 42.4 55.2 50.4
Treatment MP 60 mg/d+CYC+TAC MP 500 mg/d+CYC+IVIG MP 160 mg/d+CYC
Follow-up time, months 36 8 6
Clinical outcome Improved Improved Improved
PFT outcome Improved Improved Not improved
HRCT outcome Improved Improved Not improved