Accuracy of training blood volume quantification using a visual estimation tool
Janett Kreutziger, Philip Puchner, Stefan Schmid, Wolfgang Mayer, Harald Prossliner, Wolfgang Lederer
Table 1 Median estimation and percent error of estimated blood volume from actual blood quantities
Variables Pre-training Variables Post -training P-value
Estimated blood volume, median (range), mL Percent error of estimated blood volume, median (range), % Estimated blood volume, median (range), mL Percent error of estimated blood volume, median (range), %
Carpet 1,000 mL 300 (40-1,600) -70 (-96 to +60) Carpet 1,500 mL 1,050 (250-3,500) -30 (-83 to +133) <0.001
Towel 500 mL 800 (50-2,000) +60 (-90 to +300) Towel 1,000 mL 1,000 (500-2,500) 0 (-50 to +150) 0.026
PVC 100 mL 175 (30-700) +75 (-70 to +600) PVC 250 mL 250 (100-600) 0 (-60 to +140) <0.001
Wood 250 mL 140 (20-1,500) -44 (-92 to +500) Wood 100 mL 125 (80-300) +25 (-20 to +200) 0.041