A case of a successful post-transcatheter aortic valve replacement His bundle pacing
Fei Lv, Xiao-hong Pan, Jia-qi Fan, Li-han Wang, Dan-dan Yang, Xin-ping Lin, Hua-jun Li, Qi-feng Zhu, Xian-bao Liu(), Jian-an Wang()


Figure 2.. ECG changes of the patient. A: ECG before TAVR showed sinus rhythm, prolonged QT interval, ventricular sinister high potential, PR interval 174 ms, QRS 96 ms; B: post-TAVR ECG with temporary pacemaker showed AVB III, QRS 148 ms; C: ECG with HBP showed ventricular sinister high potential, PR interval 243 ms, QRS 107 ms; ECG: electrocardiogram; TAVR: transcatheter aortic valve replacement. AVB III: third degree atrioventricular block; HBP: His-bundle pacing.