Violence toward emergency physicians: A prospective-descriptive study
Kasım Turgut, Erdal Yavuz, Mine Kayacı Yıldız, Mehmet Kaan Poyraz
Table 1 Characteristics of violence (n=157)
Variables n %
Violence type
Verbal 128 81.5
Physical 29 18.5
Patient 49 31.2
Relatives 108 68.8
Gender of perpetrator
Female 36 22.9
Male 121 77.1
Age of perpetrator (year)
<45 143 91.1
≥45 14 8.9
Gender of physician
Female 59 37.6
Male 98 62.4
Time of violence
00:00-08:00 32 20.4
08:00-16:00 48 30.6
16:00-00:00 77 49.0
Door to violence time (minutes)
0-15 95 60.5
≥15-60 38 24.2
≥60 24 15.3
Waiting time (minutes)
0-30 40 25.5
≥30-120 78 49.7
≥120 39 24.8
Outcome of patient
Discharged 121 77.1
Hospitalized 32 20.4
Death 4 2.5
Health insurance of patient
Social Security Institution 125 79.6
Free health insurance 32 20.4
Place of residence
Urban 97 61.8
Rural 60 38.2