Small balloon strategy associated with low pacemaker implantation rate after self-expanding transcatheter valve implantation
Yuan Zhang, Wen-zhi Pan, Li-hua Guan, Xiao-chun Zhang, Sha-sha Chen, Li-fan Yang, Lei Zhang, Ming-fei Li, Dan-dan Chen, Da-xin Zhou, Jun-bo Ge
Table 2 Procedural characteristics and clinical outcomes
Parameters Small BAV (balloon size=18 mm, n=57) Normal BAV (balloon size >18 mm, n=37) P-value
Prosthesis size (mm), mean±SD 25.7±1.8 27.6±1.9 <0.001
Post-dilation, n (%) 19 (33.3) 15 (40.5) 0.520
Post-dilation balloon size (mm), mean±SD 21.0±1.6 22.1±2.7 0.140
Prosthesis (diameter/annulus diameter), mean±SD 1.04±0.09 1.05±0.08 0.670
Implantation depth (mm), mean±SD 4.2±3.1 4.9±3.7 0.330
Device success, n (%) 54 (94.7) 34 (91.8) 0.680
Mean gradient post procedure (mmHg), mean±SD 11.5±5.2 12.2±7.3 0.580
Severe or moderate AVR, n (%) 3 (5.3) 3 (8.1) 0.480
Aortic valve area post TAVI (m2) 1.8±0.4 1.8±0.3 0.720
LVEF post procedure (%), mean±SD 61.6±8.5 58.1±10.1 0.080
Permanent pacemaker implantation, n (%) 2 (3.5) 7 (18.9) 0.026
Conversion to surgery, n (%) 0 1 (2.7) 0.400
Stroke or TIA, n (%) 0 0 -
Duration of hospitalisation (days), mean±SD 12.2±6.0 12.6±6.8 0.800
30-day mortality, n (%) 0 1 (2.7) 0.400