Factors associated with refractory pain in emergency patients admitted to emergency general surgery
William Gilliam, Jackson F. Barr, Brandon Bruns, Brandon Cave, Jordan Mitchell, Tina Nguyen, Jamie Palmer, Mark Rose, Safura Tanveer, Chris Yum, Quincy K. Tran
Table 4 Results from multivariable logistic regression to assess clinical factors and refractory pain among patients admitted to emergency general surgery from emergency departments
Independent variables Univariate logistic regression Multivariable logistic regression
OR 95% CI P-value OR 95% CI P-value
Serum lactate 4.60 2.80-7.60 0.001 3.80 2.10-6.80 0.001
Number of pain medication administration 0.84 0.75-0.95 0.001 0.80 0.68-0.98 0.020
Gender - male 2.30 1.20-4.40 0.008 1.80 0.65-5.20 0.250
Past medical history - any kidney disease 2.30 1.20-4.30 0.080 1.90 0.40-9.10 0.430
Emergency Severity Index 0.55 0.30-0.97 0.040 0.60 0.20-1.90 0.420
SOFA 1.40 1.20-1.70 0.001 1.10 0.80-1.50 0.570
Triage SBP 0.98 0.98-1.00 0.047 1.01 0.98-1.03 0.350
WBC 1.04 1.00-1.08 0.033 0.90 0.90-1.04 0.350
MEU per kg (body weight)* 0.05 0.00-0.60 0.007 0.10 0.01-1.50 0.380
Opioids+non-opioids* 1.30 0.50-3.70 0.590 1.60 0.40-6.30 0.490
IVF per kg (body weight)* 1.02 1.01-1.04 0.044 0.98 0.90-1.02 0.460
Number of antibiotics 1.50 1.03-2.10 0.032 1.60 0.90-2.80 0.090
Diagnosis - bowel obstruction 0.40 0.10-0.90 0.022 0.80 0.20-2.80 0.690
Diagnosis - bowel perforation 2.10 0.90-5.00 0.087 0.60 0.10-2.90 0.530