Factors associated with refractory pain in emergency patients admitted to emergency general surgery
William Gilliam, Jackson F. Barr, Brandon Bruns, Brandon Cave, Jordan Mitchell, Tina Nguyen, Jamie Palmer, Mark Rose, Safura Tanveer, Chris Yum, Quincy K. Tran
Table 1 Characteristics of ED patients who were admitted to EGS for evaluation and management
Parameters All patients
Total patients, n (%) 200 (100)
Gender, n (%)
Male 88 (44)
Female 112 (56)
Age in years, mean±SD 55±19
Past medical history, n (%)
CHF 13 (7)
Hypertension 95 (48)
DM 36 (18)
Any liver disease 13 (7)
Any kidney disease 12 (6)
ESI, median (IQR) 3 (2-3)
Triage systolic blood pressure (mmHg), mean±SD 133±20
Triage heart rate (bpm), mean±SD 94±19
Triage pain score, mean±SD 8±2
Triage GCS, median (IQR) 15 (14-15)
ED LOS (minutes), median (IQR) 491 ( 327-728)
Pain score at departure, mean±SD 5±3
Total MEU, mean±SD 12±11
Total IVF (liter), mean±SD 1.4±1.0
Refractory pain at ED departure, n (%) 58 (29)
ED diagnosis, n (%)
Appendicitis 4 (2)
Bowel obstruction 40 (20)
Bowel perforation 30 (15)
Bowel ischemia 16 (8)
GI bleeding 12 (6)
Hernia 13 (7)
Intra-abdominal infection 28 (14)
Pancreatitis 18 (9)
Other 39 (20)
Operation, n (%)
None 70 (35)
Laparotomy 61 (31)
Laparoscopy 26 (13)
Endoscopy 10 (5)
Percutaneous intervention by IR 9 (4)
Incision and drainage 9 (4)
Other 15 (8)
Mortality, n (%) 8 (4)
Hospital length of stay (days), median (IQR) 6 (3-10)