Effects of sepsis on hippocampal volume and memory function
Miao Yuan, Ding-yi Yan, Fang-shi Xu, Yi-di Zhao, Yang Zhou, Long-fei Pan
Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with sepsis and healthy controls
Parameters Sepsis patients (n=20) Healthy people (n=20) P-value
Sex (F:M) 8:12 9:11 0.749
Age (years) 57.60±3.46 55.80±4.41 0.159
Education (years) 13.50±5.12 12.70±4.87 0.616
LVEF 0.52±0.27 0.58±0.32 0.525
Hypertersion (Y:N) 9:11 10:10 0.752
DM (Y:N) 12:8 10:10 0.525
CHD (Y:N) 4:16 5:15 0.705
Smoking (Y:N) 12:8 16:4 0.168
NSAID use (Y:N) 3:17 1:19 0.292
APACHE II score 11.85 0 -